439 research outputs found

    About the nature of Kansei information, from abstract to concrete

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    Designer’s expertise refers to the scientific fields of emotional design and kansei information. This paper aims to answer to a scientific major issue which is, how to formalize designer’s knowledge, rules, skills into kansei information systems. Kansei can be considered as a psycho-physiologic, perceptive, cognitive and affective process through a particular experience. Kansei oriented methods include various approaches which deal with semantics and emotions, and show the correlation with some design properties. Kansei words may include semantic, sensory, emotional descriptors, and also objects names and product attributes. Kansei levels of information can be seen on an axis going from abstract to concrete dimensions. Sociological value is the most abstract information positioned on this axis. Previous studies demonstrate the values the people aspire to drive their emotional reactions in front of particular semantics. This means that the value dimension should be considered in kansei studies. Through a chain of value-function-product attributes it is possible to enrich design generation and design evaluation processes. This paper describes some knowledge structures and formalisms we established according to this chain, which can be further used for implementing computer aided design tools dedicated to early design. These structures open to new formalisms which enable to integrate design information in a non-hierarchical way. The foreseen algorithmic implementation may be based on the association of ontologies and bag-of-words.AN

    Mapping a multi-sensory identity territory at the early design stage

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    This article presents a kansei design methodology. It is placed at the very beginning of the design process and aims to influence the following steps in order to improve the user's understanding and experiencing of the designed product. The experimentation combines in a subtle way the design thinking approach of learning by doing and the kansei engineering quantitative approach. The research presented is based on the results of a previous study that defined the semantic and emotional scope of future hybrid cars for European using visual stimuli. This kansei design methodology creates and assesses multi-sensory atmospheres is order to provide tangible direction composed of vision, touch, hearing and smell stimuli. From the cognitive and affective responses of the 42 participants we were able to detail 3 directions for future cars interiors that aim to enrich the styling design briefs and to influence the design strategies such as the management of the different grades. The research presented here was supported by the Kansei Design department from Toyota Motor Europe (TME-KD). This collaboration also brought an industrial context to it.SUPPORTED BY TOYOTA EUROP

    Cladistic analysis of Simulium (Trichodagmia) and Simulium (Thyrsopelma) (Diptera: Simuliidae)

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    A cladistic analysis of Simulium (Trichodagmia) sensu Crosskey and Howard, using 34 morphological characters of larvae (6 characters), pupa (5) and adults (23), yields nine most parsimonious trees under equal weights (length 101 steps CI 0.49 RI 0.73). Successive weighting based on the maximal rescaled consistency index preferred one of the nine (31.37 steps CI 0.62 RI 0.87 total fitcon3 = 235.8), which was also one of two trees found under implicit weights with concavity values of 3-6. The cladogram justifies the recognition of two subgenera. Simulium (Trichodagmia) sensu stricto (containing S. muiscorum, sumapazense, S. wygodzinskyorum, S. nigrimanum, S. chalcocoma, S. huairayacu and S. lahillei) is supported by the branchial tip sclerotization and the presence of cibarial teeth, larval body tegument covered with lanceolate hairs, female with simple claw, and gonapophysis size. Simulium (Thyrsopelma) (containing S. scutistriatum, S. hirtipupa, S. orbitale, S. guianense, S. perplexum and S. itaunense) is supported by the hypostomial teeth.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cladistic analysis of Simulium (Trichodagmia) and Simulium (Thyrsopelma) (Diptera: Simuliidae)

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    A cladistic analysis of Simulium (Trichodagmia) sensu Crosskey and Howard, using 34 morphological characters of larvae (6 characters), pupa (5) and adults (23), yields nine most parsimonious trees under equal weights (length 101 steps CI 0.49 RI 0.73). Successive weighting based on the maximal rescaled consistency index preferred one of the nine (31.37 steps CI 0.62 RI 0.87 total fitcon3 = 235.8), which was also one of two trees found under implicit weights with concavity values of 3-6. The cladogram justifies the recognition of two subgenera. Simulium (Trichodagmia) sensu stricto (containing S. muiscorum, sumapazense, S. wygodzinskyorum, S. nigrimanum, S. chalcocoma, S. huairayacu and S. lahillei) is supported by the branchial tip sclerotization and the presence of cibarial teeth, larval body tegument covered with lanceolate hairs, female with simple claw, and gonapophysis size. Simulium (Thyrsopelma) (containing S. scutistriatum, S. hirtipupa, S. orbitale, S. guianense, S. perplexum and S. itaunense) is supported by the hypostomial teeth.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Desafios para a enfermagem em saúde mental após o COVID-19

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    Mental health nursing focuses on care from interpersonal relationships, is guided by its theoretical framework and methodological framework that make it an autonomous profession. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of many people, testing all levels of health care. Therefore, this article seeks to describe the realities, advances, and challenges for mental health nursing after the COVID-19 pandemic. Some elements that could improve the quality of the services are exposed, within which the development of: e-health research, mental health nursing in the general hospital, remote care, grief management, media and cooperation are mentioned. team up. Mental health nursing must take advantage of the challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic to innovate their professional practice based on scientific evidence.La enfermería de salud mental se centra en el cuidado a partir de las relaciones interpersonales, es guiada por un marco teórico y metodológico propio que la convierten en una profesión autónoma. La pandemia por COVID-19 ha afectado la salud mental de muchas personas poniendo a prueba todos los niveles de atención de la salud. Por lo que en este artículo se busca describir las realidades, los avances y los desafíos para la enfermería de salud mental después de la pandemia por COVID-19. Se exponen algunos elementos que podrían mejorar la calidad de los servicios en esta área, dentro de los que se mencionan el desarrollo de: Investigación en e-salud, enfermería de salud mental en el hospital general, cuidado remoto, manejo del duelo, medios de comunicación y cooperación en equipo. La enfermería de salud mental debe aprovechar los desafíos que genera la pandemia por COVID-19 para innovar su ejercicio profesional basado en evidencia científica.A enfermagem em saúde mental concentra-se no cuidado a partir das relações interpessoais, é guiada por seu próprio referencial teórico e metodológico que o torna uma profissão autônoma. A pandemia do COVID-19 afetou a saúde mental de muitas pessoas, testando todos os níveis de assistência médica. Portanto, este artigo busca descrever as realidades, avanços e desafios da enfermagem em saúde mental após a pandemia COVID-19. São expostos alguns elementos que podem melhorar a qualidade dos serviços, nos quais são mencionados o desenvolvimento de: pesquisa em e-saúde, enfermagem em saúde mental no hospital geral, cuidados remotos, gerenciamento de luto, mídia e cooperação. em equipe. A enfermagem em saúde mental deve aproveitar os desafios gerados pela pandemia do COVID-19 para inovar sua prática profissional com base em evidências científicas

    Qualidades da equipe de enfermagem em saúde mental para aconselhamento sobre dependência de drogas

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    The substance used is a public health problem must be addressed in an interdisciplinary way, based on different actions such as drugs addiction counseling. The incursion of the nursing in mental health strengthens the treatment devices based on their being, knowing and doing. This essay aims to answer, what are the qualities of nursing in mental health for drugs addiction counseling? Mental health nursing is an autonomous profession that is defined by the theoretical foundations of the discipline, which provide knowledge and skills that allow you to make key contributions in counseling training based on your own abilities. Conclusion. The theoretical components that make up the body of knowledge allow mental health nursing to develop a personality capable of understanding the addiction and it needs to provide quality care through counseling.El consumo de sustancias es un problema de salud pública que debe ser atendido de manera interdisciplinaria a partir de diferentes estrategias de acción como la consejería en adicción a drogas. La incursión de la enfermería en salud mental fortalece los dispositivos de tratamiento a partir de su ser, saber y hacer. El presente ensayo responde a ¿cuáles son las cualidades del personal de enfermería en salud mental para las consejerías en adicción a drogas? La enfermería en salud mental es una profesión autónoma que se define por fundamentos teóricos propios de la disciplina, los cuales le otorgan conocimientos y competencias características que le permiten realizar aportes clave en la formación en consejería a partir de las habilidades y destrezas que manifiesta. Se concluye que los componentes teóricos que forman el cuerpo de conocimientos, le permiten a la enfermería en salud mental desarrollar una personalidad capaz de entender la adicción y sus necesidades para brindar una atención de calidad a través de las consejerías.O uso de substâncias é um problema de saúde pública que deve ser abordado de forma interdisciplinar com base em diferentes estratégias de ação, como o aconselhamento Aconselhamento em toxicodependência. A incursão da enfermagem em saúde mental fortalece os equipes de tratamento baseados em seu ser, saber e fazer. O presente ensaio pretende responder quais são as qualidades do pessoal de enfermagem em saúde mental para o aconselhamento em toxicodependência? Enfermagem em saúde mental é uma profissão autônoma que é definida pelos fundamentos teóricos da disciplina, lhe dão conhecimento e competições que lhe permitem fazer contribuições essenciais no treinamento de aconselhamento com base nas habilidades que ele manifesta. Conclusão. Os componentes teóricos du corpo de conhecimento da enfermagem em saúde mental permiten-le desenvolva uma personalidade capaz de compreender da toxicodependência e suas necessidades de prestar um atendimento de qualidade por meio do aconselhamento

    Expectativas ante urbanización de los ejidatarios de San Juan Zitlaltepec

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    Proyecto Terminal (Licenciatura en Sociología) -- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Sociología, Área de concentración: Sociología Urbana. 1997. UAMADCSHDS. 1 archivo PDF (52 páginas

    SME innovation process: comparison of service and manufacturing firms

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    The article seeks to provide an understanding of process innovation, an area of innovation research where there is less contribution in the literature.  The understanding of alternative ways in which companies innovate both their products and services, and organize and evaluate the results of their innovative activities is the focus of this study. To this end, a qualitative and explorative methodology was designed, focused on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) from the information technology sector (ITS). It was then compared with a previous study of SME manufacturing in the food sector, both of which are in Costa Rica. Comprehensive, face to face interviews were implemented, with SME owners or managers who have recently launched an innovative service. The Nvivo version 10 software was used to process the information. The investigation results allowed the identification of a series of common phases and elements in the SME studied, for the development of innovations. Also, the existence of a series of differences and similarities in the innovation processes of these ITS SME with manufacturing SME was detected.Este artículo buscar aportar conocimiento en el proceso de innovación, un área de la investigación en innovación en la cual existe menor aporte en la literatura.  La comprensión de formas alternativas que tienen, empresas que innovan en productos y aquellas que innovan en servicios, para organizar sus actividades innovadoras y evaluar sus resultados es el foco de atención del presente estudio. Para ello, se llevó cabo un estudio cualitativo y exploratorio en Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Pymes) pertenecientes al sector de tecnologías de información y comunicación, el cual se contrastó con otro estudio previo sobre Pymes del sector manufacturero de alimentos, ambos en Costa Rica. Se aplicaron entrevistas en profundidad con emprendedores quienes recientemente habían lanzado una innovación. Se utilizó el software Nvivo versión 10 para procesar la información. La investigación permitió determinar una serie de pasos comunes y elementos que caracterizan el proceso de la innovación. Asimismo, permitió evidenciar diferencias y similitudes en el proceso de innovación entre empresas manufactureras y del sector de tecnologías de información y comunicación